Chapter 1 Introduction


Steven M. LaValle

University of Illinois

Copyright Steven M. LaValle 2006

Available for downloading at [http://planning.cs.uiuc.edu/]

Published by Cambridge University Press

1.1 What is planning?

Planning is a branch of algorithms.

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Chapter 2 Discrete Planning

2.1 Introduction to Discrete Feasible Planning

2.1.1 Problem Formulation

Formulation 2.1

State: xx

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1 基本概念

1.1 Nagel–Schreckenberg model NS模型

Nagel–Schreckenberg model,简称NS model,最初由德国物理学家Kai Nagel and Michael Schreckenberg,是一种基于CA模型的用于交通仿真的理论模型。

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  1. 卷积:卷积就是用一个可移动的窗口(卷积核),按一定步长,与图像对应元素进行点乘相加的操作。卷积本质上也是一种对数据维度的变换,提取图像的特征,相较于全连接层直接把图像展开成一个行向量,其能更好地捕获图像的空间特征,当然通过改变参数的形状,任何全连接层都能被转换为一个等价卷积层。

Convolution: Convolution is to use a movable window (convolution kernel) to perform a dot multiplication and addition operation with the corresponding elements of the image at a certain step size. Convolution is essentially a transformation of the data dimension to extract the features of the image. Compared with the fully connected layer that directly expands the image into a row vector, it can better capture the spatial features of the image. Of course, by changing the shape of the parameters, any fully connected layer can be converted into an equivalent convolution layer.

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Vocabulary in Planning Algorithms
  1. recurring:反复出现,经常的 One recurring theme is that

  2. increment:增长 decrement:减少 The robot takes discrete steps in one of four directions (up, down, left, right), each of which increments or decrements one coordinate.、

  3. redundant:冗余的,重复因而不必要的 1.recurring:反复出现,经常的 One recurring theme is that

  4. increment:增长 decrement:减少 The robot takes discrete steps in one of four directions (up, down, left, right), each of which increments or decrements one coordinate.、

  5. omit:省略,忽略,遗忘 Figure 2.4 omits several details that...

  6. monotonicity:单调性

  7. asymptotic:渐进的

  8. trivial:不重要的 unimportant

  9. cumbersome: 笨重的,沉重的,难以去做的 however, the notation and explanation can become more cumbersome because

  10. superficial: 表面的,表皮的,肤浅的

  11. recurrence: 重复出现

  12. preclude:阻止,防止(人/事)

  13. onward:向前的/地

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magnitude: 幅度 order of magnitude:数量级 converge: 收敛 oscillate: 振荡 fit: 拟合 fine-tune: 调参 generalization ability:泛化能力 dimension: 量纲 deviation:偏离


  1. 什么是机器学习和深度学习? 机器学习是一种实现人工智能的方法。人工智能是想要达成的目标,而机器学习是想要达成目标的手段:希望机器通过学习的手段,可以跟人一样聪明。机器学习是研究计算机怎样模拟或实现人类的学习行为,以获取新的知识或技能,重新组织已有的知识结构,使不断改善自身的性能。而深度学习,就是机器学习的其中一种方法。

  2. 机器学习流程? **表示 represent:**将数据对象进行特征(feature)化表示

    **训练 train:**给定一个数据样本集,从中学习出规律(模型),目标:该规律不仅适用于训练数据,也适用于未知数据(称为泛化能力)

    **测试 test:**对于一个新的数据样本,利用学到的模型进行预测

  3. 在机器学习中,学习率这种参数叫什么?学习率太大和太小的可能影响?

    学习率(learning rate)也叫步长,指更新参数步幅。表征了参数每次更新的幅度(represent the magnitude of parameter update)

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行人流仿真 Pedestrian Simulation

本文探讨基于 CA 模型的行人流仿真,如果你还不了解 CA 模型,请先移步这篇文章



Pedestrian simulation studies pedestrians' behavioral patterns and psychological aspects by modeling and simulating the movement of crowds in various scnarios. It finds extensive applications in urban planning, traffic management, evacuation planning, and architectural layout design.

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简介 Introduction

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写在前面 Prologue

其实很早就萌生过写 blog 的想法,但总感觉很难,很麻烦,不想走出舒适圈,所以迟迟不肯行动。


刚开始的过程确实很难,很多新东西从未见过,一时难以消化吸收,过程中还遇到很多莫名其妙的小 bug。


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