
Vocabulary in Planning Algorithms

RyanLee_ljx...小于 1 分钟

Vocabulary in Planning Algorithms

  1. recurring:反复出现,经常的 One recurring theme is that

  2. increment:增长 decrement:减少 The robot takes discrete steps in one of four directions (up, down, left, right), each of which increments or decrements one coordinate.、

  3. redundant:冗余的,重复因而不必要的 1.recurring:反复出现,经常的 One recurring theme is that

  4. increment:增长 decrement:减少 The robot takes discrete steps in one of four directions (up, down, left, right), each of which increments or decrements one coordinate.、

  5. omit:省略,忽略,遗忘 Figure 2.4 omits several details that...

  6. monotonicity:单调性

  7. asymptotic:渐进的

  8. trivial:不重要的 unimportant

  9. cumbersome: 笨重的,沉重的,难以去做的 however, the notation and explanation can become more cumbersome because

  10. superficial: 表面的,表皮的,肤浅的

  11. recurrence: 重复出现

  12. preclude:阻止,防止(人/事)

  13. onward:向前的/地

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